Intelligent Imagination ™
John Wanamaker famously said that half of his marketing budget was wasted—he just didn’t know which half. The Advertising Research Foundation reports that over 550 marketing messages make a bid for your attention each day, and yet most people will recall just nine. This is an attrition rate of over 98 percent, or 49-to-1 odds against having any marketing message remembered.
Does this mean that businesses should stop developing communications programs? Certainly not. But they should develop communications programs that actually communicate. Getting into the elite two percent of messages that are remembered and create substantial results is what we do.
Our Intelligent Imagination™ distinguishes us from any other agency. Simply put, we create a space in a prospect’s mind, furnish it with a unique value proposition, and ensure that it will remain top-of-mind for years to come.
GOLD has served a broad array of clients with Intelligent Imagination™—the following are merely a few. Please check back regularly as our case studies change periodically.